Two of my children are on field trips today. These are their last days of the school year. I am always filled with just a bit more anxiety on the days when they are loaded on a yellow school bus to travel somewhere for a day of fun. A part of me wants to just keep them home for the day. I know that field trips are, for the most part, an educational part of a child's schooling experience...but...(remember, I was a teacher for 9 years) I took that extra measures of packing extra water bottles, jackets, snacks, sunscreen, band-aids, etc...
Oh well. I know that when I pick them up from school they will be smiling ear to ear and chattering nonstop about their wonderful trips. God watch over them today!
Also...soon we will be finding out if we will be able to send them to school next year...I am anticipating homeschooling again. I am at peace with that thought. I am constantly praying for guidance.
Jesus, I trust in You!
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