Saturday, July 28, 2007


Amazing what a smile can do. I mean a genuine wide, teeth showing, eyes sparkling smile. Tonight at Mass we were told to introduce ourselves to the people around us...this is because of the consolidation that I wrote about earlier. My family was surrounded by elderly women, sitting on all sides of us and most of them seemed to wonder what a family of eight was doing sitting in the second pew rather than taking a pew in the back of the Church near the crying room. While holding our 19 month old and switching hips to flip her from the right to the left, I turned around to greet the woman sitting behind me. I expected a rather cold look and a feeble attempt at a handshake. I was wrong...
Upon turning around, I extended my hand and looking eye to eye I was met with the warmest eye twinkling smile you could ever imagine. She tenderly took my extended hand in both of her hands and asked me my name. What a beautiful gesture! After we both shared our names I mentioned that we were 'transplants' from St. Josaphat and that we had six children. She smiled at me and raised her hand in front of her as if to 'count' six fingers, one for each child.

Thank you for guiding me and teaching me that You are in control. My anxieties and fears vanish when I steadfastly go forward toward You. Take me and lead me to where You want me to go.
Jesus I trust in You!

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