
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oh my, the Holy Spirit moves in mysterious ways!

Oh boy. You know, before I continue my post you need to know that everyday I ask the Lord to place me where He wants me to be. I ask Him to use me so that others see Him through me. Jesus, I trust in You!


I received a phone call from a dear friend of mine who is a Principal. She is a Religious Sister and I have the utmost trust in her and her decisions. She started the phone call with, "Mary, the Holy Spirit is directing me to call you..."
She asked me to teach a third grade class starting in less than two weeks. Now I also have to tell you that I am NOT good with change, neither am I good with surprises. When I am teaching, I have my room completely finished by now and plans for lessons already in place.
...I had decided to stay home again this year.
...I had decided to home school my three youngest.
...I have already purchased their curriculums!!!!

I immediately began to pray for guidance. I kept thinking about "Jesus, I trust in You."

Well...I anticipate this blog to become very interesting. I now need to re-enroll my children in their Catholic Schools. I will be signing my contract within a day or two and then I need to get into that classroom and transform it into an awesome environment for learning.

I think I am learning to 'walk the walk'. If I say that Christ is the center of my life...If I ask Him daily to place me where He needs me...If I really mean what I say when I say, "Jesus, I trust in You...well, I better start learning to listen. I am His servant. His alone. I have great peace with that being said.

Oh, I have also been contacted by the Elizabeth Ministry based in Kaukana, WI to be a reference point for questions in my area. I so welcome this adventure! I will write more on this later.

Jesus, I trust in You!

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