
Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Sign of the Cross

First things first...I should be grading papers and submitting the grades online but--I just got back from my adult Catechism class and I can't think of anything else right now.

Tonight was a lot of information. A lot to think about. After each class we get a 3"x5" card and we have to answer one or two questions on the card so that we are able to get our religious certification. Now I need to say that I didn't attend the first evening with the intention of receiving my cert. I just wanted to learn more about my Faith.
Back to the card...
These questions aren't meant to be difficult. But they are difficult for me! I like to think about things...(from previous posts you probably already know that!) There is not enough time to really 'think' about our answers on the little white cards. Tonights was something like: When you are teaching, what do you want your students to gain from watching you? In light of everything that was discussed tonight. How do you want people to 'read' Jesus in you? Has your philosophy changed after learning what was discussed tonight?

I want Jesus to use me where He needs me. I remember the first time I

Place me where you need me to be. Use me so that
others can see You. Give me words and action so that others fall
deeply in love with You.

I want the children to think of Jesus with every breath that they take. I want them to love Him with every beat of their hearts.

Being in school with children is such a gift from God. I am so thankful for that gift. Learning what I am learning in this weekly class is increasing my passion for Christ. The more passionate I become...the easier the children will see Christ's love for them. It's impossible to hold it back. The children are so very hungry to learn about Jesus. Their prayers are so heartfelt. Their prayers are so beautiful.

To guide them as they discover compassion towards a classmate who is hold their hand as they gather the courage to help someone who is help them handle lead them as they learn to pray to Our Blessed Mother in a Rosary for their classmate diagnosed with cancer.

Thank you God! You are indescribable.

This post is getting long but I need to tell you that today at Mass Rachel was sitting with her class. She had her second chemo treatment last Monday. She is a beautiful child. I know that there are many of you from all over the United States praying...and I thank you!! Linda in Pennsylvannia, Janet, Harriet in Indiana...Thank you!! Please get the word out, please. If you could see this child's smile...pray for a miracle! God is awesome, isn't He?


Jesus, I trust in You!

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