
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I am not sure what you call this, but I am just going to type what I am thinking because quite frankly, at this moment, my mind is overflowing with thoughts...

I am in awe of the way the Holy Spirit moves in, around, above, and all through me and especially through other people who just happen to be in my life. (Especially those who just come into my life for a bit and then just seem to move on to something else.)
Looking back on events and things that have happened in my life, I have come to know that God has truly been my Father--every single step of the way.
Vivid memories of mine:
-1970, practicing for my First Communion in the Church basement and holding my little white candle in front of me and singing with everyone, "This Little Light of Mine." Most of the kids were fooling around but I remember so clearly wanting to shine, shine, shine for Jesus! Mom and dad went to my sister's house after the practice and I wanted dad to light my candle again so I could walk into her house and sing loudly for my neices. I didn't get my candle lit, but I still sang. I remember being mad because everyone started talking and no one noticed me or my song. hhhmmmm.... :)
-1979, Dad had his first serious heart attacks. I was 16 and had just gotten my driver's license. The doctor came into the ICU waiting room and wanted to talk to me away from my mom's ears. He told me that my dad was dying. I was to take control and help my mom by preparing for the funeral and everything else. I didn't prepare for a funeral. I drove my dad's huge Ford home from the hospital and started calling people. I called my friends and everyone I could think of calling and asked everyone to pray for my dad. I don't remember much from that day except that I started calling Churches too. I don't know how many I called but I know that years later I remember my dad (after hearing how I had everyone praying for him) smiled his beautiful warm smile and said, "When I woke up, there were people around my bed praying for me and I didn't even know who they were!" BTW, dad died in 1998, still too early for me...but I am so grateful to God!!!!!! I would shout if I knew you could hear me!!!
-1983, UW-Milwaukee. I wanted God in my life but I wanted what I wanted! If He fit into my life that was fine, but I wanted to live life! I had started to attend a Bible study on Mark at the Neumann Center. The Sister who was there asked if I would like to participate in the feet washing on Holy Thursday. I didn't want to but she was nice and would drive us back to the dorm after the study so I didn't want to disappoint her. Right before I was to walk toward the front of the Church she approached me and said, "Your smile is so beautiful, you need to show people that beauty more often, show them Jesus!"
I didn't know what to do. I do know that now, at 45 yrs., I often remember what she said to me and I try to smile 'Jesus' to everyone, especially at school. Father, thank you for that Sister!
-1987, walking into my parent's home and finding my dear mom (70 yrs. old at the time) sitting on the top of the washing machine with her fingers outstretched as if counting...she had to sit on the washing machine so that it wouldn't "walk" across the floor during the spin cycle. She would tell me that she was praying the Rosary for me...for me to find what God had planned for me and to accept my life as He willed it for me.
I met my husband that year, six hours away from home on my first teaching job. Mom, I love you and miss you. Please keep praying for me and your beautiful grandchildren!
There are more, and my journey towards Jesus continues with every single breath I take. I thank God for everything. There are people in my life right now who are here for a reason...may I be of some inspiration to them as well as them to me.
I am tired...
Thank you for being in my life right at this moment.
Jesus, I trust in You!

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