Sunday, February 8, 2009

Learning Lessons Everyday

Has it ever happened to you where everything is going pretty well...I mean the days have been going by smoothly, no huge obstacles or complications...your life is continuing day by day and then something happens, something so obviously different than what you are used to experiencing that all of a sudden you are placed in a situation where you are forced to really contemplate..."What in the world just happened???? What is God asking of me?"

Okay, okay...I can just hear some of you saying...whoa, Mary...what are you trying to say?

Well, just think about this for a minute...

If we truly want to live our lives for Christ, we shouldn't be shocked when we find ourselves in situations that stretch us outside of our comfort zones. Situations that make us feel a bit uneasy at first. Situations that normally we would try to avoid altogether.

Placing your trust in Him means allowing His Will to be done in your life. That is not always the easiest path to take. It is easy to say...not easy to do.

Taking a stand for what you believe in isn't always the thing that fits into society's norms. It takes courage and strength to be Christ to everyone you meet. To love as Christ loved and to serve as Christ served.

Sometimes it is so very difficult.

Sometimes it would be easier to walk away from a situation that leaves you uneasy, angry, or disappointed.

As I reflect on times like these, I always conclude that these situations have led me to a deeper relationship with Him. My little lessons in life have led me to where He wants me to be.

And...each situation seems to leave me better able to handle the next. :)
Jesus, I trust in You!

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