I heard the Gospel from this last weekend in a way that I hadn't heard before. In the past I had always focused my attention on Jairus' daughter. After all, I could imagine the urgency and the panic that Jairus must have felt. I would always love to hear, "Talitha koum." ("Little girl, I say to you, arise!")
The awesome and amazing power of our compassionate God...
But Sunday was different...
I have been thinking so much about the woman afflicted with hemorrhages. The many years of pain and suffering she had endured. Yet she had so much faith! She didn't even try to talk to Jesus or plead and beg him to heal her, she knew without a doubt that he would heal her. She knew that she just needed to touch his garment.
Immediately upon touching his clothes she was healed. Now, think about this...Jesus, upon feeling his power leave his body turned around and asked, "Who touched me?" Would you have been able to answer that question? Would you have been able to speak up and say, "I did."
This woman who had suffered for so long and was finally healed was trembling with fear. She not only had beautiful, unwavering faith, she had the courage to fall down before him and admit that she had touched his garment.
Wow. And consider this...we do not even know her name. She is just known as a woman with hemorrhages.
What an awesome model for us to think about and to help us work toward building that beautiful faith in our own lives.
Jesus, I trust in You!
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