I am happily married 25 years this year! We have six beautiful children and Baby Michael in Heaven.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
My Patron Saint for 2010
The Blessed Mother is my patron Saint for 2010...I know, I have already written about how she chose me. :)
But... I have been thinking about the Visitation. Our beautiful Mother goes to Elizabeth to stay with her and help her.
Don't you think we all need more of what the Visitation is all about? Again our beautiful Mother teaches us by her example of simple love. Love for others. Love for Her Son. Love for God. Love for us!
Our world, 2010, is missing so much of that caring and selfless giving.
Our generation is missing so much love.
Just think of our children's and grandchildren's generations. Hopefully we work toward changing this real soon!
When I was a child, neighbors and neighborhoods were part of my extended family. I knew if a neighbor spotted me doing something I probably shouldn't be doing (didn't happen often :) my mom would hear about it... and I never wanted to disappoint or hurt my mom.
Now most people do not even know their neighbor's names. Hmmmm...this got me thinking a bit more than I had planned on thinking for 9:30 at night.
And what about friends? I mean real friends. Have you been following what our beautiful Blessed Mother so wonderfully taught us to do? How are your friend relationships going? How have you shown love for your friends lately? I mean that special woman to woman sisterly love.
Sisters in Christ.
Jesus, I trust in You!
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