
Thursday, March 11, 2010

St. John Vianney Prayer

I love You, O my God,and my only desire is to love You until the last breath of my life. I love You, O my infinitely lovable God, and I would rather die loving You, than live without loving You. I love You, Lord and the only grace I ask is to love You eternally...My God, if my tongue cannot say in every moment that I love You, I want my heart to repeat it to You as often as I draw breath. Amen.

The photograph below is of our new Adoration Chapel at our Parish.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    This isn't a comment about your post per se, so you don't need to publish it. I just wanted to invite you to "Kids say the darndest things Friday" blog hop at:

    We’d love to have you join the fun and share your stories. I’m sure that you have some real gems!

    In Christ,
