
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Artificial Birth Control and a post of my thoughts...

Too many of our Catholic brothers and sisters do not understand the evil behind contraception. Last year I experienced one of my dear friends cover my ears and jokingly tell other women present that, "I don't buy into the 'anti' birth control issue. Don't tell Mary!" She then smiled and uncovered my ears. I was stunned and speechless.
...AND nobody said anything back to her. They all just smiled and went on with the conversation.
I need to give you a bit of background on myself before I go on with this post. As many on you know who read my blog, I was born into a very loving Catholic family. My parents lived the Faith. I was very blessed.
I can honestly tell you that I didn't know that artificial birth control wasn't an option. I thought that it was just frowned upon, but that the decision was left up to each individual couple. Truly, that is what I thought. With that information in mind, after our first child was born I was asked by my doctor which birth control I wanted to start using. I didn't know anything about birth control so I asked his advice. He wrote out the prescription and I started taking the pills.
My life proceeded just as I wanted it to go.
One afternoon after school, I was driving home and scanning different radio stations. A man was speaking on one of the stations and there was something about his voice that made me stop and listen. It was Father Corapi.
Oh my goodness! I couldn't stop listening! :)
After Father Corapi was finished I continued listening to the station... and I went to Confession.
I remember explaining to Father that I truly didn't know that birth control was wrong. Everyone I knew was using some type of it.
He smiled and simply said, "Well, now you know it is wrong."

My life was changed.
I just think that there are other Catholic families out there who simply "don't know". Maybe they weren't told or maybe went through the CCD programs like I did and were never TOLD. I am very passionate about all of this. Yes, yes, I know that many do know and simply choose to ignore what the Church teaches. (like my friend in the story above)
But... what if one person hears this message and decides to change their minds and place all their trust in Him?
Oh... our God is so awesome and amazing. He loves us so very, very much.

I am sure that I will post on this again. I want to hear more about trusting Him with our entire lives, not just the areas of our lives we want Him to be.
Turn everything over to Him. Trust in Him.
You will be amazed at what He has planned for your life.
Jesus, I trust in You!

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