
Monday, August 15, 2011

Finding time for prayer...

I was emailing two dear friends of mine today. They moved away from the town I live in so our relationship has grown into an 'emailing friendship'. I was writing about how frazzled I have been lately and how crazy my days seem to be. And then I wrote...

This time right before school is such a hard time for me and sometimes I feel like I can’t breath because I am being ‘tugged’ in so many directions...
At this time, I crave quiet time for prayer. It is just so hard to find time for Him.

The words I wrote were so heavy for me to write. They were even more difficult to reread after I wrote them.

I immediately stopped what I was doing.
I just sat there at the computer and didn't do anything.
Eventually, the sounds from the house started to interrupt my stillness...
My three youngest children had two neighborhood friends over to play and their laughing and bits of chit chat filtered down the steps to my ears.
My husband's whistling added to the many sounds.

"It is just so hard to find time for HIM!!"

Father, please forgive me. In this busy time of year, help me to find You.
I love you!

Jesus, I trust in You!

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