
Thursday, November 10, 2011

One last gift from Mr. R.

On the day I heard that Mr. R. had suffered another painful heart attack... something inside of me was a bit restless.  I climbed up the 4 flights of stairs to my classroom and sat at my desk.  I couldn't concentrate or even begin to think of starting to grade the stack of papers that was waiting for me in a pile.
Then I remembered that the school secretary had mentioned to me a few months back that she had uncovered a case of statues that Mr. R. had given to the school.  She didn't know anything more about the closed box.  She had no idea which Saint was in the box.
When I remembered the box, I immediately got up and started my way down the stairs that I had just climbed. I went into the office and asked the school secretary if I could have the key to the closet where she had told me the box of statues had been stored.  She was curious about why I wanted to get the box.  She shared with me that the box had been in the closet for over 5 or 6 years...maybe even longer.
I told her that I felt that Mr. R. had given the statues to the children to enjoy and remind them of Jesus and I didn't like that they were stored in a box where no one could see them.
I wanted them out and on every floor in the school.

We really didn't know which Saint would make an appearance when we opened the box.
I felt like I was a little girl again on Christmas Day and my father was standing beside me waiting for me to open a gift from him.
We  s l o w l y opened the box.  The statues were all individually packaged in styrafoam containers to protect them from damage.  Both Sue and I uttered a little impatient huff when we saw the white packages.  (Yes, I'll admit that fact.  Remember, I said I felt like a child on Christmas morning again.)
We lifted one of the packages out of the box and slit the tape surrounding the white box with our fingernails.  We opened the box and there was St. Joseph holding the Christ Child, staring right up at us.

I have St. Joseph sitting on our class Gratitude Table out in the hallway.  He is out there for all of the children to see and think about our beautiful Jesus.

It was when I sat at my computer later in the day to write about St. Joseph that I discovered that he is the Patron Saint of departing souls.  Our amazing Mr. R., our classroom to sidewalk 'waving' friend, was in hospice care and still sharing his love of Jesus with us.  When the time comes for Mr. R. to journey to his eternal home,  may St. Joseph take him to see his precious Jesus.

Here is a link to read about our last Christmas experience with Mr. R.:
Mr. R Christmas Story 2010

Shine Jesus to everyone you meet.  You might never know how your actions or words touch someone who is waiting to hear the Good News of our Precious Jesus.  Find your 'gifts' that are hidden on top shelves in closets.  Open them and share God's unending love.


Jesus, I trust in You!

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