Friday, June 1, 2007

When are 'ya gonna' have the next one???

Oh my. I know that this topic has been written about tons of times...but each time it happens, I am shocked that people say what they do! Today was our Son's Eighth Grade Mass at his Middle School. My husband had a sub come in for his classes this morning and joined us for a beautiful morning at school. We walked into the room with our son and also our 5 yr. old and our 17 month old. Looking around you quickly see that we are the only parents in attendance with a toddler. I am always astounded at how general aquaintances feel the need to question us on our family status. I think I have the perfect answer...this one I borrow from another family that we simply, calmly respond, "We would never think of placing a number on our family. We are blessed with the children we have and if we are blessed again, we will celebrate with joy! "

What do you think? Will that answer work for the curious ones? I'll let you know the next time I try it. :)

Jesus I trust in You!

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