I don't know...
I am looking forward to the day when the Lord blesses us with grandchildren. I grew up alone with no grandpas or grandmas. I would ask other people to step forward and at the very least permit me to call them 'Gramma', but in the end I would be hurt by their absence and their lack of remembering to treat me as a grandchild. Usually incidents would happen at Holidays and right in front of their 'real' grandchildren, I would wait and wait...in silence for just a nod of the head or a twinkle in a smiling eye. I would see them become conscience of their forgetfulness and then excuse themselves to go upstairs to their bedroom and later emerge with a gift of a handkerchief for me. I knew that they had forgotten me, but I would smile my biggest smile and thank them. I kept everyone of those 'handkerchiefs' and never used one for their intended purpose. These memories came flooding back to me after my dear mother passed away and I was cleaning out my old bedroom in our family home.
My heart aches for my children. My parents were the best Gramma and Grandpa that God had ever created. But with me being born when my beautiful ma was 45 years old, they weren't able to be here to see the birth of our last three children. Oh, I know that they are with us in the Communion of Saints. It is just not the same.
My sisters all had them while they were raising their children. I remember as a child all of the times that our house was used for loving the grandkids...I would just love for my children to experience that too.
My children are in the same position as I was years ago. My dear parents have passed away and I mourn the loss of Gramma and Grandpa in my children's lives. I offer everything up to the Lord who knows how my heart aches and wipes every tear from my eyes. Jesus, I trust in You!
I pray for the health for my husband and I as we age and enter into the realm of being grandparents.
I miss you ma and dad.
Again, Jesus, I trust in You!
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