Thursday, May 15, 2008

Anger and Children

I usually love Thursdays. Every Thursday our school attends weekly Mass. Today was a bit different. I'm not sure why but as we were going up to receive the Blessed Sacrament I focused my attention on one of my boys. He has been having a rough week with behavior and as I saw him go forward to receive Communion I had a thought...actually, it was a prayer...

Be with him him to make some good choices today so that he begins to grow in Your light.

I'm not sure what has been his problem this week. It has been one poor choice after another.
Well...yesterday he got angry with another boy and took his pencil and stabbed at the other boy's hand. Today another teacher mentioned that $5.00 was missing from her room and the other children informed me that it was (child's name) who had taken the money. He didn't even argue that he hadn't taken the money, he just pulled it from his pocket and tossed it to the other teacher.

He needs help. I'm not sure if everyone understands just how difficult it is to get a parent to understand when their child needs help. There are some things that you just can't laugh off. I'm talking about parents here.

We have a field trip tomorrow and we have placed him on a one day out of school suspension. I do not want to take the risk that he will not spin out of control while we are away from the school. His mom was angry that we took him out of school because both she and the dad have to work and there is nowhere for him to go. I tried callling the dad and was informed that he cannot receive phone calls at work. He can't be bothered.

I am so troubled by this. This child shows no remorse. He shows no feelings. I asked his mom and she said that she cannot remember a time where she saw him cry.
Where is all of this anger coming from...I can only guess. He is not the only child with severe anger issues in my class of 19. Through the years I'm seeing more and more angry, defiant children.

I'll post some other time about what I think is one of the reasons for this behavior. I am so drained I feel I just need sleep. My dear husband is bathing the little ones tonight because I just cannot.

Please pray for me to have the strength to continue to help this children. And of course...please pray for the children. Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.

O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a font of Mercy for us,
Jesus, I trust in You!

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