I was blessed to learn a life lesson two days ago.
I was walking in the hallway after school and I came upon Rachel and her sister. Rachel is a beautiful young lady at our school who has been undergoing chemo for several months now. She is the child that I have asked you to pray for in previous posts...by the way...please, please continue all of those prayers. Okay, back to the story.
Rachel's sister was holding a small white box in her hands and was vividly angry. She was looking into the box and uttering words of anger to herself. I walked up and asked what in the world was bothering her so much. She showed me the white box and told me that she was angry because someone had deliberately broken all of the clay pieces that Rachel had made for her game board that was on display in the hallway.
All this time, Rachel was standing across the hall by her locker. She wasn't extremely bothered by the fact that her little clay tokens were demolished. In fact, when I questioned her as to whether she had shared this information with her teacher, she just shrugged her shoulders and smiled and simply said, "No."
I watched as her sister carefully hid the little white box with all of the broken pieces behind another game board on display. She didn't want anything else to happen to those tokens.
I walked back to my room, feeling just as angry inside as Rachel's sister had been. The name of the child that had crushed those pieces had been revealed and I immediately began to make a mental note to address the situation first thing the next morning.
About ten minutes passed and Rachel's mom came into my room to deliver some flowers she had been working on for one of our fundraisers. I jumped up from my chair and told her what had just happened.
Now I need to tell you that her response was completely unexpected. In fact, if I would have tried to consider all of the responses that could have been possible, I would not have even thought of her actual response. Here this beautiful woman has seen her child through so much since diagnosed last August...this strong faithfilled mom has walked a walk that none of us would ever want to think about...and do you know what she did?
She smiled at me.
She smiled at me and as I looked at her surprised and a bit confused she added,
"It doesn't matter."
It doesn't matter...
"What?" I asked, "Her clay pieces were crushed on purpose!"
Again, she smiled and repeated those three words. "It doesn't matter..." And then she added...
"She can make them again."
Oh my beautiful loving Father. I love You.
Jesus, I trust in You!
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