Thursday, January 21, 2010

Agnes and Peter

Today right before Mass I was practicing the children's readings and petitions one last time with them. We were the only ones in the Church.
I noticed a little lady enter the Church and sit toward the back.
She was alone.
We continued to practice our parts and I saw her start to slowly walk toward us. (We were in the first three pews, way in the front.)
I went to meet her half way and she started talking about gifts. I wasn't really sure what she was talking about but she kept asking me if the gifts were taken care of. Finally I realized she was referring to the bread and wine.
She told me that today was the feast of St. Agnes. I answered back that I already knew that and that we would be talking about St. Agnes at the start of Mass.
Then her big smile happened...
She told me that Agnes and Peter (our Mass intentions) were her grandparents and she chose today because of the feast day.
Then MY big smile happened...
I had just practiced pronouncing their names (their last name is a long tough one to pronounce :) with the children.
She had heard the children practice her grandparents' names and just wanted to make a connection with us.
Oh my dear, beautiful Jesus! What amazing "coincidences" you place me in!

She made it a point to reconnect with the children (and me!) before she left the Church. She has absolutely no idea how much it meant to me to hear her say, "You are a true teacher!"

...and I guess now after reflecting on this I have to say that she left the Church smiling too.

Oh my Jesus, how I love you!
Jesus, I trust in You!

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