Saturday, December 4, 2010

Prayers requested...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You!

The little girl, Elaina, in my daughter's preschool class did not have a good night last night.  She received a blood transfusion yesterday and suffered through 104 degree temps all night.  Please, please dear gentle readers-- pray for this child.
Elaina was diagnosed on June 10th 2010 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  She is currently being treated at Childrens's Hospital of Milwaukee.  She has a great oncology team!  We ask for prayers for Elaina!  She is a strong little girl with a lot of fight in her!   SHe has a good prognosis with a long road ahead of her!
                                            The above was written by Elaina's mom and dad.

I would place a link to her caringbridge site, but I do not want to infringe on the family's privacy.  Please email me if you would like more information on little Elaina.  Please know that the family has only requested prayers. They are a faith-filled family and love the Lord very much.
Peace and prayers,
Jesus, I trust in You!

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