Friday, June 3, 2011

The End of the School Year... Once Again

It seems like yesterday that I was saying goodbye to my students last year.  Now it is time to say goodbye once again.  You would think this would get a bit easier after 24 years.  Wow.  That cannot be possible.  I haven't taught that many years... don't forget that I have seven little ones in between all of those beautiful years.  I have just finished my 14th year in the classroom.
I do not like the end of the school year. 
I never have liked it.
I remember when I was a child saying to my mom, "It's going too fast!  I don't want to go to the next grade."
I guess I still feel that way.

My summer will be busy, but I will still look forward to the end of August.  The beginning of a new school year. 
Jesus, I trust in You!

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